Friday Jul 29, 2016
  • Classes
    • 5pm

Max Out Friday

Competition Class


After Warmup

establish max UB C2B
then. . .

10min C2B Ladder
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 9 ...8, 7, 6....1

15min to find 1RM
Clean & Jerk (any variation)

10min AMRAP
2 hang snatch + 2 OH lunge 135/95
Alternating the following, every minute:
Evens: 7 HSPU
Odds: 12 DL 135/95
*first minute is free, min 1 7 HSPU then continue on Hang Snatch & OHL with remaining time in minute, min 2, 12 DL then continue AMRAP, repeat for 10min

3 Rounds for Quality
3 1-arm KB Shoulder Press
20 second L-sit in the rings
2 Rope Climbs (the goal is learning here. How high to I need to jump to get to the top in 1-2 pulls, where do I need to reach, how high do I need to bring my knees on the first pull vs second, etc. Take your time, try different things.)