Posted 5 months AGO
Registration is OPEN: REGISTER NOW
Join us for the 12th Annual Battle in the Barracks
Nov.30 & Dec.1
Rx & Elite Individuals
$10K in cash (Elite) & $5K+ in prizes (RX)
Early bird registration Sept 9 - Sept 17
Early Bird // Sept.9-17 $189 + tax
Just Bird // Sept.18-30 $209 + tax
Late Bird // Oct.1-Nov.15 $229 + tax
BARRACKS LEGENDS: Small Group Classes for 55+
In case you didn't read the shirt on the handsome fellow above ....
The idea is to die young as late as possible.
As many of us are at an interesting stage in life, we see our children growing up and our parents aging. If only we could bottle the youthful energy our kids display and offer it to our parents to keep them vibrant forever. While we can't do that, we can help our parents maintain their vitality and perhaps even turn back the clock a little.
How, you ask? With a healthy serving of exercise, combined with the benefits of social interaction.
Introducing the Barracks Legends: a pilot program designed for those aged 55 and over to help them, as Hal Johnson and Joanne McLeod would say, "keep fit and have fun."
Proper exercise can help us achieve the following as we age (aiming to die young as late as possible):
Good (Minimum Goals):
- Stand up from a low chair without assistance
- Bend over and pick something off the floor
- Put on socks and tie shoes
- Stand on one foot
- Bend, reach, and lift without risk or fear
- Keep up with the grandkids
- Turn back the clock
- Run, jump, throw, wrestle—all with a smile
We want this for our parents, and we’re sure you do too. Let’s help them achieve it—or maintain it.
Barracks Legends Pilot Program Details:
- Runs Tuesday & Thursday at 10:45 AM
- 60-minute small group class
- Starts September 3rd and runs for 8 weeks (ending October 24th)
- $399 for the series
What to Expect Each Class:
- Coach-led warmup, including mobility exercises for hip and shoulder health
- Strength training focusing on full range of motion (emphasizing motor control and movement integrity over load)
- Conditioning tailored to individual needs and abilities
- A little social time with like-minded individuals at a similar stage in life
Here's a link to sign up: REGISTER NOW
Almost Summer Showdown 2024
A little surf, a little turf.
Fun. For everyone.
Part 1: The surf. At the call of 3,2,1 teams will embark on an epic journey of a relay-style 1-mile race. Hate running? Make your teammates do it. Teams divide up the run as they see fit. Score = time. Can anyone go sub 5?
Part 2: The turf. Teams will have one bar and whatever time is left on the 16min clock to work to a 1RM. Teams will have 1 bar, 1 bench, a set of collars, a set of j-hooks and all the weight their little hearts and huge muscles desire. Score = cumulative load of best successful lift of each (bench, hang clean & OHS).
Details: stay outside the cones on the run. Pass the “baton” within the designated area.
Weights can go up or down on the barbell. Female teams will have a 35# barbell. Male teams will have a 45# barbell. You will have 45s down to 2.5s. Collars must be used. Teammates can assist with loading & unloading. Bench - can have assistance unracking, bar must touch chest. OHS - from the rack, shoulder to overhead anyhow. Hang clean - deadlift first, get the bar to your shoulder starting anywhere above the knee.
I got a nautical themed Pashmina Afghan
I'm the king of the world on a boat like Leo
If you're on the shore, then you're sure not me-oh
3 teammates. 3 ergs. 3 times.
3 + 3 + 3 = 1 score (the math works, trust me)
Teammates can choose between:
2000/1600m Echo Bike
1000/800m Concept II Row
500/400m Concept II Ski
Score = total / combined time to cover the 3500/2800m
This event is a floater (I’m on a boat), it should be a sprint (it’s going fast)
And you can wear whatever you want (style points for ‘nautical themed Pashmina Afghans’)
Fit it in where you can.
If you didn’t read that like a young(ish) Arnold Swarzenegger, you can go back and try again. Don’t worry, I’ll wait.
… Better right?
Event 4 has a little bit of everything. Some gymnastics. Some barbelling. And everyone’s favourite, the burpee.
It’s for time.
It’s a chipper.
For clarity: 1 round of DT = 12 Deadlifts, 9 Hang Power Cleans, 6 Shoulder to Overhead
RX loads = WT1 115/75, WT2 135/95, WT3 155/105
SCL load = WT1 95/65, WT2 105/70, WT3 115/75
Box height = 24/20 across
Women’s Night with Coach Alexis
Date: May 11th, 5:30pm-8:30pm-ish
Ladies, mark your calendars for a night of fun hosted by the one and only Coach Alexis! Join us for Women’s Night—an fun filled evening of games, exercise and potlucking. Rumour has it, but, it's only a rumour, there may be a pinata.
Date: May 11th
Time: 5:30pm-8:30pm-ish
Activities: Workout, Potluck, Fun with Friends
Sustainable Summer Kickstart with Coach Sara
Ready to kickstart your summer? Join Coach Sara for a one-month nutrition program designed to help you feel your best.
Program Includes:
Duration: 4 Weeks
Price: $99
- Custom Macro Calculation
- Recipe Guide
- Consistency Tracker
- 2 Educational Seminars
- 2 Group Accountability Check-Ins
- Access to Streamfit Community
- Unlimited Messaging Access for questions/support
PLUS PACKAGE: Upgrade to the PLUS package for $149 total and receive an individualized nutrition assessment before the program starts, along with one "oh shit" in-person meeting at any point during the 4 weeks.
Educational Seminars:
Navigating Social Situations
All or Nothing Mentality
Sign up at the whiteboard or follow this link:
The Almost Summer Showdown
Date: June 14th, 4pm-9pm
Get ready for the ultimate summer kickoff event—the Almost Summer Showdown! Put together a dynamic trio and join us for an evening of competition, a BBQ, and good old fashioned fun.
Date: June 14th
Time: 4pm-9pm
Format: Same Sex Teams of 3
Divisions: Scaled & Rx
Registration Fee: $150 per team
3 Workouts + Floater(s)
Event T-shirt, Food, and Drinks included
Don't miss out on the fun—register your team today!
The Intramural Open!
The CrossFit Open 411
Whether you consider yourself a CrossFit newbie, competitor, enthusiast, fan, or community supporter, the CrossFit Open is for you.
That’s because the Open takes on a special and unique meaning for each person who signs up. For some, the Open brings to life the why behind our daily commitment to CrossFit. Many of us came to CrossFit because we wanted more for our health and fitness, and the Open provides us with a way to stay accountable to this effort. For others, it’s a way to connect and celebrate with other CrossFit athletes within their affiliate and in other cities around the world...
The Intramural Open 411
- 3 weeks of friendly in-house competition with a social spin & a great chance to give back to the YYC community
- CrossFit releases 1 workout each week for three weeks on Thursday (starting Feb29)
- On Friday, the announced workout is the WOD
- Also on Friday, starting @ 4pm, we will organize heats (sign up via StreamFit) where you will have a judge, a scoresheet, and you'll complete the workout.
- At 6pm each Friday, we will do a community challenge:
Wk1: Food Bank Tower Build
Wk2: Clothing Drive Dress Up Challenge
Wk3: Mini-Obstacle Course Race
- We’ll have snacks, drinks, and a whole lot of social time.
- The Team that has the most points (from challenges, participation & performance) wins & your name goes up in lights (well, on a banner at least).
Sign up at the Whiteboard or in StreamFit
Masters of the Fitness 2024
FEB3 730a-7p
Our annual Masters' Competition is 95% sold out. 16 categories competing for the title of Fittest Master. 1 day, 3 events, maximum effort (and fun ... mostly fun).
EVENT 1 : She-ra's Surge
For Time:
60 Wall Balls
30 Burpees over the Bar*
15 Snatch
SCL 50+ please see details below as reps are slightly less.
Men: 35-44 20# wall ball, 115# barbell. 45-50+ 20# wall ball, 95# barbell.
Women: 35-44 14# wall ball, 75# barbell. 45-50+ 14# wall ball, 65# barbell
Men: 35-44 14# wall ball, 75# barbell. 45-49 14# wall ball, 65# barbell, 50+ same loads as 45-49, reps: 50 Wall Balls, 25 Burpees, 12 Snatch
Women: 35-44 10# wall ball, 55# barbell. 45-49 10# wall ball, 45# barbell, 50+ same loads as 45-49, reps: 50 Wall Balls, 25 Burpees, 12 Snatch
*can step over the barbell
At the call of 3, 2, 1, go, the athlete will move to their wall ball and complete 60 (50 for 50+ SCL) wall balls. Once complete, the athlete will move to their barbell and complete 30 (25 for 50+ SCL) lateral burpees over the bar. Once complete, the athlete will work through 15 (12 for 50+ SCL) snatches.
Score = time or time cap + 1s per remaining rep
Time cap = 7 minutes
- Wall Balls to 10' for the men, 9' for the women
- Burpee is Open standard (ie. full chest contact, jump or step in / out, RX: both feet in the air simultaneously. SCL: can step)
- Scaled can step the 'over the bar' burpee
- Snatch is from the floor and can be muscle, power or squat. No contact with the head is permitted.
EVENT 2: Skeletor's Strength Test
20 Box Jump Overs
1 Clean + Jerk
*score = total load
**Only 1 weight attempt in each two-minute window. ie. if you miss 185, you cannot strip to 135 in that 2-minute window and try again. You can, however, try 185 again.
Please note, your score for this event is total load (ie. all successful lifts added together)
At the call of 3, 2, 1 go, the athlete will begin their set of box jump or step overs. Once complete, the athlete will move to their barbell and complete 1 clean & jerk.
Once complete, the athlete can choose to increase, decrease or keep the same weight on their barbell.
At 2min, the athlete will begin on the second set of box jump overs and complete another clean & jerk.
At 4min, this process will be completed one more time.
SCORE = TOTAL LOAD (of all 3 clean & jerks - combined ... as in, added together aka not just your single heaviest successful)
Tiebreak: total time to complete your box jump / step overs
Answers to the inevitable FAQ
- The bar can start loaded
- Athletes can attempt their clean & jerk more than once each round
- Weight can go up or down
- Power or Squat is permitted
- Any shoulder-to-overhead variation is permitted as long as full controlled lockout with feet back in line under the hips is shown
- The lift must be complete before the end of each 2min window
- Credit for the lift will be given when control is shown with the bar locked out overhead, with the feet in line and under the hips.
- Athletes change their own weight
- The time to complete the jump overs / step overs is the tie break and will start at the top of each 2min interval whether the athlete starts their jumps / steps right then or not.
- The minimum increase or decrease is 5#
- Weights in your station: 4 x 45, 2 x 25, 4 x 10, 2 x 5, 2 x 2.5
- Men: 45# barbell, Women: 35# barbell
RX 35-44
For Time:
42 / 34 Calorie Row
11 Bar Muscle Ups or 33 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
21 Double Dumbbell Deadlifts 50s/35s
21 / 18 Calorie Row
21 Pull-ups
12 Devil's Press 50s/35s
15 / 12 Calorie Row
21 Toes to Bar
15 Double Dumbbell Thrusters 50s/35s
RX 45-50+
For Time:
42 / 34 Calorie Row
6 Bar Muscle Ups or 24 Pull-ups
21 Double Dumbbell Deadlifts 50s/35s
21 / 18 Calorie Row
21 Pull-ups
12 Devil's Press 35s/20s
15 / 12 Calorie Row
21 Toes to Bar
15 Double Dumbbell Thrusters 35s/20s
Time Cap = 15min
Score = Time (or cap + 1s per remaining rep)
At the call of 3, 2, 1 go the athlete will advance to their rower and complete the 42/34 calories.
Once complete the athlete will move to the pull-up bar and complete 11 bar muscle-ups or 33 chest-to-bar pull-ups*.
Once complete, the athlete will move to their dumbbells and complete 21 deadlifts.
Once complete the athlete will return to their rower and complete 21/18 calories, then to the pull-up bar for their pull-ups and back to the dumbbells for their Devil's Press.
Once complete, the athlete will go back to their rower for a final 15/12 calorie row, the pull-up bar for 21 Toes to Bar, and then back to the dumbbells for 15 dumbbell thrusters.
The workout is complete once the 15th thruster is locked out or the time cap is hit.
- The athlete will start off the rower
- The calories must be completed before the athlete exits the rower
- The athlete can do a mix of bar muscle ups and chest to bar / pull-ups. They may also choose one or the other.
- In the Bar Muscle Up the athlete cannot have their feet pass above the horizontal line created by the pull up bar. The athlete must pass through a portion of the dip. The rep is complete when the athlete shows controlled lockout of the arms directly over the or in front of the pull-up bar.
- 35-44: 1 bar muscle up = 3 C2B
- 45-50+ : 1 bar muscle ups = 4 pull-ups
- 1 head of each dummbell must touch the ground on the deadlifts
- Pull-ups are classic chin over bar pull-ups - strict, kipping or butterfly permitted
- On the Devil's Press, the chest must contact the floor between the DBs with hands on the dummbells.. The DBs can be muscle snatched or power snatched. The DBs cannot stop at the shoulder on the way up.The movement is complete when both DBs are locked out overhead.
- On the toes to bar, you must start in a full hang, both feet must contact the pull-up bar between the hands simultaneously and the feet must past behind the vertical line created by the pull-up bar at the start of each rep.
- On the dumbbell thrusters, you may squat clean thruster the first rep of each set. You must pass through a full squat and press the DBs overhead in one continuous motion. Ie. no clean and jerk or thruster jerk. The movement is complete when both DBs are locked out overhead in line with the body with knees and hips locked out.
SCALED EVENT 3: Grayskull Gauntlet
SCL 35-44
For Time:
Row 42/34 Cal
11 Pull-ups or 21 Ring Rows
21 Double Dumbbell Deadlifts 50s/35s
Row 21/18 Cal
21 Ring Rows
12 Devil's Press 35s/20s
Row 15/12 Cal
30 Hanging Knee Raises
15 Double Dumbbell Thrusters 35s/20s
SCL 45-50+
For Time:
Row 42/34 Cal
11 Pull-ups or 21 Ring Rows
21 Double Dumbbell Deadlifts 35s/20s
Row 21/18 Cal
21 Ring Rows
12 Alternating Single Arm Devil's Press 35/20
Row 15/12 Cal
30 Hanging Knee Raises
15 Double Dumbbell Thrusters 35s/20s
Time Cap = 15min
Score = Time (or cap + 1s per remaining rep)
At the call of 3, 2, 1 go the athlete will advance to their rower and complete the 42/34 calories.
Once complete the athlete will move to the pull-up bar and complete pull-ups or ring rows*.
Once complete, the athlete will move to their dumbbells and complete 21 deadlifts.
Once complete the athlete will return to their rower and complete 21/18 calories, then to the pull-up bar for their ring rows and back to the dumbbells for their Devil's Press.
Once complete, the athlete will go back to their rower for a final 15/12 calorie row, the pull-up bar for hanging knee raises, and then back to the dumbbells for 15 dumbbell thrusters.
The workout is complete once the 15th thruster is locked out or the time cap is hit.
- The athlete will start off the rower
- The calories must be completed before the athlete exits the rower
- After the first row, athletes can choose between pull-ups or ring rows or complete a combination of the two
- Pull-ups are classic chin over bar pull-ups - strict, kipping or butterfly permitted
- Rings will be set to average hip height. Feet must be under the pull-up bar. Hinging at the hip will not be permitted.
- 1 head of each dumbbell must touch the ground on the deadlifts
- On the Devil's Press, the chest must contact the floor between the DBs with hands on the dummbells.. The DBs can be muscle snatched or power snatched. The DBs cannot stop at the shoulder on the way up.The movement is complete when both DBs are locked out overhead.
- On the alternating single arm DevP, the chest must contact the floor beside the DB with the hand on the DB. The DB can be muscle snatched or power snatched. The DB cannot stop at the shoulder on the way up. The movement is complete when the DB is locked out overhead.
- On the hanging knee raises, the athlete must start in a full hang and the feet must pass back behind the vertical line created by the pull-up bar. The rep is complete when the knees are clearly above the horizontal line created by the athlete's hip.
- On the dumbbell thrusters, the athlete may squat clean thruster the first rep of each set. The athlete must pass through a full squat and press the DBs overhead in one continuous motion. Ie. no clean and jerk or thruster jerk. The movement is complete when both DBs are locked out overhead in line with the body with knees and hips locked out.
The “Snowball” In-House Competition
January 19th, 5pm-8pm-ish
Teams of 2 - M/F|
3 Divisions:
- Newbie: if this is your first competition, this is for you
- Intermediate: you can RX some movements but not every time
- RX: you can do all the movements but would prefer to share
No “Super Teams” ... if you are “elite” please pair with an RX athlete.
$35 PP, snacks, drinks, and fun provided
Here’s a link:
Or sign up at the whiteboard
Lifestyle Nutrition Progam w/ Coach Sara
Coach Sara is here to help you with all things nutrition (whether it’s performance, lifestyle, body composition change, or anything in between).
This 90-day program is designed to help you progress toward your goals and set you up for a lifetime of success. If you’re looking to feel better, dial things in a bit, and improve your health, this is for you.
- customized macro-based nutrition support and education
- bi-weekly check ins
- unlimited messaging support
- 3 in-person meetings
- weekly habit challenges
- 3 in-person seminars
- and more
Here’s a link:
or Sign up on the whiteboard
Kids & Teens Programs
Kids & Teens classes start next week!
We have a few spots available in the Overall Athlete Project, and the 9-12yr age groups. Shoot an email if you’d like to inquire about getting your kid(s) in.
Our Foundations program runs every Sunday on an alternating schedule. Our new friends are expected to come to 2 consecutive Sundays but can come to more if they’d like.
If you have friends, family, frenemies and/or colleagues who are interested in getting started on their CrossFit journey, now’s the time.
Here’s a link:
Handstand Clinic w/ Olympic Gold Medalist, Kyle Shewfelt
This is your chance to get hands-on coaching from an Olympic Gold Medalist. On Jan14 from 2-3pm Kyle will work through all things handstands in this intensive clinic.
Here’s a link
or Sign up at the whiteboard
Olympic Weightlifting Series w/ Coach Garratt
You’re not going to believe this. There are a couple of spots open!
These small group sessions, under the tutelage of Coach Garratt, focus on the snatch and the clean & jerk. You can choose either Tuesday evenings (starts Jan9) or Saturday mornings (starts Jan13). 6 weeks to being the new mayor of PR-ville.
Or sign up at the whiteboard
Gymnastics Series w/ Coach Polina
Wednesday evenings starting January 17th @ 6:30pm.
We have a few spots available for Coach Polina’s gymnastics series. This will be an Open gymnastics prep series focusing on pulling movements (t2b, pull-ups, C2Bs, BMUs) and handstand skills in an accessible and progressive class structure.
Here's a link:
or sign up on the whiteboard
Rowing Clinic
January 28th 2-3:15p
Take your erg game to the next level. You’ll leave this clinic with a firm understanding of technique, sequencing, tempo, settings (damper, straps, etc) and more.
Here’s a link:
or Sign up at the whiteboard
On Saturday, October 28th we'll deck out the gym, we'll get dressed up and we'll do a little exercise racing.
Afterward, we'll eat, drink and be merry scary.
Same-sex teams of 2 (MM/FF)
Oct 28 - 3p-9p
RX or Scaled
Prizes for best costumes
Event t-shirt
Find a friend, coordinate your costumes, and get in here!
Here's a link to register: PUT ME IN COACH
Sign up at the whiteboard
Event 1A & B
6min to find
1RM Thruster
6min to find
9RM Thruster (from floor)
Rest 1min
1min AMRAP
*mens heaviest weight
Rest 1min
1min AMRAP
Back Squats
*womens heaviest weight
5min AMRAP
2 Jumping BMU
4 DB Push Press 30s/20s or HSPU to 15# + 1 abmat
8 KBS 35/26
immediately into . . .
4min AMRAP
Row Calories
immediately into . . .
5min AMRAP
3 GTOH 55
3 Bar Facing Burpees
immediately into. . .
3min AMRAP
Bike calories
5min AMRAP
6 pull-ups (c2b)
4 DB Push Press or HSPU
8 KBS 53/35
immediately into . . .
4min AMRAP
Row Calories
immediately into . . .
5min AMRAP
3 GTOH 75
3 Bar Facing Burpees
immediately into. . .
3min AMRAP
Bike calories
- A Fun, In-House Competition Fri Sept 29th-
Unlike other team competitions, you get to 'hide' in this one.
Not good at Devil's Press? Let your teammates do them.
Don't like the bike? Don't bike.
There's a little something for everyone. Here are the deets:
Friday Sept 29th - 5pm-9pm
Same sex Teams of 3
Rx & Scaled
2 workouts (1A / 1B & 2)
Find 2 friends (or we can find them for you), and sign up at the whiteboard.
Here's the workouts:
Workout 1A. 1 teammate chooses a 'test' and gets as many reps/cals or the highest possible load in their minute. The teammate that is doing the Clean gets 3 attempts to find a max load.
Workout 1B: Work together to get through the reps as quickly as possible. 1 person working at a time. Divide the reps as your team sees fit. 15min time cap (.
Workout 2: Complete the calorie 'buy-in' (divide as needed) then move on to 10 reps of each movement, then 9 reps, then 8 reps ... all the way down to 1. Once the "1" round is complete, the team will complete 20 synchro burpees over the bar as the 'buy-out'. 20min time cap
UPCOMING @ Barracks Fitness
Bring a Friend Day - Oct.20 all classes
Halloween Havoc (same-sex pairs competition) - October 28th
Battle in the Barracks registration opens - Sept.12 (click here to go to the Battle site)
8-week Nutrition Challenge - October 10th to December 5th
Olympic Weightlifting Series
Olympic Weightlifting is a skill. Skills need practice. Practice is better with feedback. And that, my friend, is science. Join our Olympic Weightlifting Series and get better. Guaranteed.
Option1: Tuesdays @ 630pm. Starts Sept 12th.
Option2: Saturdays @ 745am. Starts Sept 9th.
Update: Tuesday is currently full and waitlisted.
Email to join.
Fall CrossFit Kids & Teens
Our promise for your kids:
Love for exercise
Athletic Development
CrossFit Kids 5-9 years old
Use code: 'TUESDAY Kids' at checkout to save 10%
Class runs every Tuesday from 4:15-5pm
First day of class is Sept.12 last day Oct.31
No class on Tuesday Oct.10
CrossFit Kids M/W 9-12 years old
Use code: 'M&W kids' at checkout to save 10%
Class is on Mondays & Wednesday from 4:15-5pm
First day of class is Sept.11 last day is Nov.1
No class on Oct.9
CrossFit Teens M/W ages 12-18
Use code: 'M&W teens' at checkout to save 10%
Class is on Mondays & Wednesdays from 5:15-6:15pm
First day of class is on Sept.11 last day is Nov.1
No class on Oct.9
2 spots left!
The Overall Athlete Project
Use code: 'TOAP' at checkout to save 10%
Class is on Tuesdays & Thursdays from 5:15-6:15pm and Saturdays from 11:45am-12:45pm
First day of class is September 12 and last day is Nov.5
No class on Oct.7 & 10
Hello StreamFit, goodbye Zen Planner & SugarWOD.
We are moving to a new scheduling / account management / results tracking software. It’s called StreamFit. You can book classes, see the workouts, manage your account, track your progress, and more … all in one place. No more ZP, no more SugarWOD. It’s time to move into the 21s century.
ALL. IN. ONE … kinda like CrossFit.
We will be moving over the StreamFit next week so we need you to take care of this ASAP or risk not being able to register for class.
Here’s what we need from you in 4.5 simple steps:
1. Download StreamFit
2. Access your account by entering your phone number and following the instructions.
3. Enter your credit card information
4.5. Please complete the required profile information if you are taken to profile. Otherwise you can go to profile by using the top right circle in the app, then edit profile. NOTE: Some of your information has already been entered for you, but please double check and change/modify anything. It is important that you complete your entire profile (DOB, address, emergency contact, etc). If nothing populates, it’s because we do not have the correct information on file. You can reach out to if you have any issues.
Here’s a quick video on how the app works:
Step 1: Exporting Your Data from SugarWOD
Login to the SugarWOD app and navigate to the whiteboard
Select the Options button in the top left (three lines)
Tap on the "Tools & More" button
Scroll down to the "Tools and Resources" section, and tap on "Export Workouts".
A screen will pop up asking you to either confirm or cancel your request to export your workout data
An email will be sent to you with a csv attachment with all of your workout data. It will send this workout data to the email that you have associated with your SugarWOD account
Download csv file
Step 2: Importing your data into Streamfit
Login to Streamfit on a computer (not the app).
On the top, you are going to see PRs, Benchmarks and Workouts.
Go to the PR tab and click import.
From the top drop-down, select "SugarWOD".
Select the csv file containing your SugarWOD data and click preview
The system will show you all PRs that need to be fixed (where the naming differentiates between the two systems).
Click import.
Next up, go to Benchmarks and Workouts and repeat steps 5-7.
PRs, benchmarks, and workouts might get a little mixed up, however, ALL workouts should transfer, so you may have to search to find your respective PRs in one of the 3 categories.
Here is a video to help with the import.
You want the best for your kid, and so do we.
We love youth sports.
We played them ourselves.
Our team played their respective sports internationally, collegiately, and at other high levels.
But we all agree, there was something missing.
We’re tired of seeing kids burn out, get hurt, or go (physically) all in on a sport that they have no real future in.
Instead, we’d want them to be well-rounded, strong, resilient (aka injury-proof), mobile, agile, coordinated, and mentally tough.
There are a lot of youth programs out there.
Most focus on one particular sport and overload development, riding on the hope that they’ll squeeze out the potential to find the top .01%.
Frankly, the odds aren’t great.
Why not set your kid up for a lifetime of success .. both physically and mentally?
Introducing the “Overall Athlete Project” - a pilot program borne out of the desire to create athletes for life. Hockey, skiing, basketball, soccer, baseball, swimming, racquet sports, whatever … they’ll have a broad base that can be built on for whatever path they choose.
The Overall Athlete Project will commence this summer.
We are accepting only 15 athletes. This exclusive opportunity will span eight weeks, consisting of 20 classes (Tuesdays, and Thursdays from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m., and Saturdays at noon). Rest assured, we understand the demands of the summer season, and the program accounts for holidays and breaks.
To ensure the utmost quality, we will be conducting screenings for all participating athletes, evaluating their strength, flexibility, and cardio capacity. This vital assessment will enable our experienced coaches to tailor the program to each athlete's specific needs and goals.
What we can guarantee: your child will come out of these sessions stronger, more athletic, mentally tougher, more confident, and ready to face whatever challenges face them this fall. Get them on the ice, snow, court, pitch, or whatever ‘field’ they play on ... with an edge.
Kids Summer Camps 2023 - Calgary
Get ready for another year of Barracks Fitness Kids Camps - where fitness, fun, and exploration come together for an unforgettable experience! Our camps offer a dynamic blend of activities designed to engage children in a range of physical and cognitive challenges.
Throughout the camp, kids will have the opportunity to participate in various activities, including running, gymnastics and introductory weightlifting exercises tailored to their age and ability level. These engaging exercises help develop coordination, strength, and overall fitness.
But that's not all!
We believe in providing a well-rounded experience, which is why we go beyond traditional fitness. Our camps include captivating science experiments that combine learning with hands-on exploration, fostering curiosity and a deeper understanding of the world around them.
In addition, each day will bring a new adventure as we introduce kids to exciting sports they may not have experienced before. From soccer to basketball, martial arts to yoga, our campers will have the chance to try out a diverse range of sports, discover new passions, and expand their horizons and athletic ability.
Our camps take full advantage of the great outdoors, offering a predominantly outdoor experience. With this in mind, it is essential for kids to come prepared with appropriate attire and necessities to ensure their comfort and safety throughout the day.
At our Kids Fit Camps, we strive to create an environment that combines physical activity, mental stimulation, and exploration, empowering children to embrace a healthy lifestyle while having an absolute blast. Join us for a week of growth, friendship, and endless fun!
July 10-14 ages 9-12
July 24-28 ages 5-8
Aug. 14-18 ages 9-12
Aug. 21-15 ages 5-8
The 2023 Intramural CrossFit Open
The Intramural Open is a Barracks Fitness version of the CrossFit Open (link) that is organized by us for you!
Instead of competing at a global level, you will compete alongside your usual WODmates against other class times for the 3 weeks of the Open.
It's friendly, supportive, fun, and for all skill levels!
Each week, we will all do a version of the CF Open workouts that are released by CFHQ.
Ideally, you'll sign up for a heat time during Friday Night Lights, do your workout, judge a workout, and enjoy some snacks, beverages & great company.
(If you can't make it Friday nights, don't worry, you have options.)
Our focus: participation, teamwork, and community building rather than competition at the highest level.
Every Friday has a community challenge:
Week1: Food Bank Donation Tower Build
Week2: Clothing Donation Dress Up Challenge
Week3: Mini-Obstacle Course Race
Sign up on the whiteboard or through ZP (link).
Outside the 9-5 (6am/715am/645p/8pm and weekend class times)
Captain: Greg Coulas
Join the WhatsApp chat (link)
After Coffee & Before Drinks (930am/12pm classes)
Captain: Jasmin Kusumoto
Join the WhatsApp chat (link)
Afternoon Delight (415p/530p classes)
Captain: Nikki Smit
Join the WhatsApp Chat (link)
Will the workout be programmed during class?
Yes, each Friday during the Open, class will be the workout programmed by CFHQ.
I can't make all the Friday Nights, can I still participate?
Absolutely. As long as you complete the workout with a judge between Thursday & Monday of that week you're good to go!
Can I do the workout during Open gym?
Yep, find a judge and a scoresheet. Do the workout & submit your score to SugarWOD.
Do I have to sign up on
No, BUT, you should ... if you like charting your progress over the years, and seeing how you stack up against others around the world.
Event 3 - Chippy McChipperson
For Time:
3/2 Rope Climbs
15 Squat Cleans
15 T2B
15 Pull-ups
15 Power Snatch
15/12 Row Calories
15 Front Squats
15 T2B
15 Pull-ups
15 Thrusters
12min time cap
For Time:
15/12 Row Calories
15 Squat Cleans
35 Hanging Knee Raises
15/12 Row Calories
15 Power Snatch
30 Hanging Knee Raises
15 Front Squats
15/12 Row Calories
25 Hanging Knee Raises
15 Thrusters
35-49 LOAD 75/55
50+ LOAD 65/45
12min time cap
Event 2a&b -- (reps) Max2 (load)
A. 1min clock: Max Unbroken XX*, AMRAP Devil's Press (variation) w/ remaining time
immediately into ...
B. 6min to find a max load in the complex: 3 Hang Cleans** + 3 Shoulder to Overhead
*max unbroken XX =
RX 35-44
bar muscle ups
devil's press load = 50s/35s
RX 45-50+
chest to bar pull-ups
devil's press load = 50s/35s
SCL 35-44
chin over bar pull-ups
alternating 1-arm devil's press load = 50/35
SCL 45-50+
double dumbbell hang snatch 35s/20s
alternating 1-arm devil's press load = 50/35
**1 hang clean must be from below the knee
At the call of 3,2,1 go, athletes will advance to their pull-up bar (DBL DBs for SCL 45+) and begin a max unbroken set. The set is complete when the athlete comes off the bar (or puts the DBs down). Once the set is complete, the athlete will move on to the Devil's Press variation for the remainder of the minute.
Athletes do not have to complete the pulling gymnastics but will score below any other athlete that completes one or more reps of pulling gymnastics.
Once the 1min clock elapses, athletes will move to their barbell and spend the next 6min attempting to work to a max in the barbell complex.
Score = total reps for part A & heaviest successful load in part B.
1 BMU / C2B / Pull-up / DBL DB Hang Snatch will rank you higher than someone who does 0 even if they end up with more 'total reps'
COMPLEX: 1 of any of the 3 hang cleans must pass below the knee, the others can be hip, high hang or hang, power or squat, and then STOH anyhow.
YouTube video with mediocre demo:
-- Event 1 - Deadman's Tri(cycle) --
3 x 2min rounds
on 30s Rest
15 Axle Deadlifts
XX Echo Bike Calories
AMRAP Box Jump Overs with remaining time***
***Loads, calories & box standards vary by age and category. Details below.
At the call of 3,2,1 go, athletes will move to the axle bar and complete 15 deadlifts. Once the deadlifts are complete, athletes will move to the Echo bike and complete a defined number of calories. Once complete, athletes will move to their box and complete as many box jump-overs as possible with the remaining time. Once 2min has elapsed, athletes will move back to the wall during their 30s rest and start the process over again at the beep. This will be repeated for 3 total rounds.
Score = total reps completed
15 Axle Deadlifts 225/155
12/9 Echo Bike Calories
AMRAP Box Jump Overs 24/20
15 Axle Deadlifts 205/135
10/8 Echo Bike Calories
AMRAP Box Jump Overs 24/20
35-39, 40-44
15 Axle Deadlifts 185/125
12/9 Echo Bike Calories
AMRAP Box Jump or Step Overs 24/20
45-49, 50+
15 Axle Deadlifts 165/105
10/8 Echo Bike Calories
AMRAP Box Jump or Step Overs 24/20
February 4th 2023
1 Day Masters only competition (35-59, 40-44, 45-49, 50+)
RX & Intermediate/Scaled Divisions
Here's the link where you will see the leaderboard, workouts and more: MASTERS UNITE!
You want the best for your kid, and so do we.
We love youth sports.
We played them ourselves.
Our team played their respective sports internationally, collegiately,
and at other high levels.
But we all agree, there was something missing.
We’re tired of seeing kids burn out, get hurt, or go (physically) all in
on a sport that they have no real future in.
Instead, we’d want them to be well-rounded, strong, resilient (aka
injury-proof), mobile, agile, coordinated, and mentally tough.
There are a lot of youth programs out there.
Most focus on one particular sport and overload development, riding on
the hope that they’ll squeeze out the potential to find the top .01%.
Frankly, the odds aren’t great.
Why not set your kid up for a lifetime of success .. both physically and
Introducing the “Overall Athlete Project” - a pilot program borne out of
the desire to create athletes for life. Hockey, basketball, soccer,
baseball, swimming, racquets, whatever … they’ll have a broad base that
can be built on for whatever path they choose.
The Overall Athlete Project will commence this summer.
We are accepting 15 athletes in each group. This exclusive opportunity
will span eight weeks, consisting of 20 classes (Tuesdays, and Thursdays
from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m., and Saturdays at noon). Rest assured, we
understand the demands of the summer season, and the program accounts
for holidays and breaks.
To ensure the utmost quality, we will be conducting screenings for all
participating athletes, evaluating their strength, flexibility, and
cardio capacity. This vital assessment will enable our experienced
coaches to tailor the program to each athlete's specific needs and
What we can guarantee: your child will come out of these sessions
stronger, more athletic, mentally tougher, more confident, and ready to
face whatever challenges face them this fall. Get them on the ice,
court, pitch, or whatever ‘field’ they play on ... with an edge.
The “Snowball” In-House Competition
January 19th, 5pm-8pm
Teams of 2 M/F
3 Divisions:
Newbie: if this is your first competition, this is for you
Intermeditate: you can RX some movements but not everytime
RX: you can do all the movements but would prefer to share
No “Super Teams” if you are “elite”, pair with an RX athlete.
$35 PP, snacks, drinks and fun provided
Here’s a link:
Or sign up at the whiteboard
Lifestyle Nutrition Progam w/ Coach Sara
Coach Sara is here to help you with all things nutrition (whether it’s performance, lifestyle, body composition change, or anything in between).
This 90 day program is designed to help you progress toward your goals and set you up for a lifetime of success. If you’re looking to feel better, dial things in a bit and improve your health, this is for you.
- customized macro based nutrition support and education
- bi-weekly check ins
- unlimited messaging support
- 3 in-person meetings
- weekly habit challenges
- 3 in-person seminars
- and more
Here’s a link ( or Sign up on the whiteboard
Kids & Teens Programs
Kids & Teens classes start next week!
We have a few spots available in the Overall Athlete Project, and the 9-12yr age groups. Shoot an email if you’d like to inquire about getting your kid(s) in.
Our Foundations program runs every Sunday on an alternating schedule. Our new friends are expected to come to 2 consecutive Sundays but can come to more if they’d like.
If you have friends, family, frenemies and/or colleagues that are interested in getting started on their CrossFit journey, now’s the time.
Here’s a link:
Handstand Clinic w/ OIympic Gold Medalist, Kyle Shewfelt
This is your chance to get hands on coaching from an Olympic Gold Medalist. On Jan14 from 2-3pm Kyle will work through all things handstands in this intensive clinic.
Here’s a link ( or Sign up at the whiteboard
Olympic Weightlifting Series w/ Coach Garratt
You’re not going to believe this. There are a couple of spots open!
These small group sessions, under the tutelage of Coach Garratt, focus on the snatch and the clean & jerk. You can choose either Tuesday evenings (starts Jan9) or Saturday mornings (starts Jan13). 6 weeks to being the new mayor of PR-ville.
Or Sign up at the whiteboard
Gymnastics Series w/ Coach Polina
Wednesday evenings starting January 17th @ 6:30pm. We have a few spots available for Coach Polina’s gymnastics series. This will be an Open gymnastics prep series focusing on pulling movements (pull-ups, C2Bs, BMUs) and handstand skills in a accessible and progressive class structure.
Sign up sheet on the whiteboard
Rowing Clinic
January 28th 2-3:15p
Take your erg game to the next level. You’ll leave this clinic with a firm understanding of technique, sequencing, tempo, settings (damper, straps, etc) and more.
Here’s a link:
or Sign up at the whiteboard
That’s it for now team. Here’s to an awesome beginning to 2024.