Olympic Weightlifting

Get better faster and lay a solid foundation

The ‘snatch’ and ‘clean and jerk’ bring speed, power, coordination, agility, accuracy and balance to training and are indispensable to athletic development. If you want to be a well-rounded athlete, you can’t leave these out.

That said, these movements are complex and deserve time and attention. That’s why we run the Barracks.fit Olympic Weightlifting Series. If you want to get better faster and lay a solid foundation, this is for you!

This small-group, 1X/wk, 6-week-long program will have you focusing on proper technique, proper position and will help you build a solid foundation for Olympic Weightlifting.

Each class consists of technique work, skill transfer exercises, several lifts analyzed by your coach and specific accessory work to shore up your weaknesses.

Bottom line: