Monday Jun 19, 2017
24min, 4 wods
Competition Class
CanWest Prep
A) Sotts Press: 3 sets of 3
B) Snatch E2M12M 50/2, 65/2, 70/1, 75/1, 80/1, 85/1
C) Muscle Clean + FS + Push Press + Jerk 3 sets of complex
D) Clean and Jerk E2M12M 50/2, 65/2, 70/1, 75/1, 80/1, 85/1
3 Rounds
5 Beat Swings
3 BS w/ Shoulder Tap
1-3 C2B Pull-ups
3 Sets to Accumulate as many C2B as possible
(ME each set, rest 90s)
3 Rounds
1 Walk Walk
10 Shoulder Taps
3 sets to accumlate as many strict HSPU as possible
(ME each set, rest 90s)
1 ME Set of Kipping HSPU
on a 24min clock