Saturday Apr 21, 2018
Competition Class
5 Rounds each for time:
2x 10M Farmers Carry (HAP)
2x 10M MB Bear Hug Walk 150/100
2x 10M Sandbag Lunge 80/60
2x 10M DBL KB FR Walk 72/53
2x 10M Sled Push 180/90 + sled
Rest as needed after moving all objects
In Teams of 3:
9min to find:
1RM Clean
immediately into:
12min AMRAP
Row/Bike Cals
12 Front Squats 135/95
12 Burpee Box Jump Overs 24/20
2 people working, 1 person resting.
Score = Cals + (Rounds x 10)
immediately into:
9min to find:
1RM Jerk
3 Scores on board
Total Clean ~ (Cals + (Roundsx10)) ~ Jerk