Friday Oct 19, 2018
  • Classes
    • 6am
    • 930am
    • 12pm
    • 300pm
    • 415pm
    • 530pm

50 & 1

Competition Class



STRICT C2B Pull-ups
5 Sets of 70% of Strict C2B Best - rest 90s-2min b/w efforts
*If 0, use spotter for 5x3 strict or go to low bar
Kipping/Butterfly C2B
50%+1 of best set w/ 1min rest between sets
*if 0, or still working on pull-ups, do 7 sets of 5 perfect kip/btrfly pull-ups

A) 4x4 Sotts Press
B) 1 Power Snatch
work to technical max over 8 sets
then 3x1 @ 80% of tech max
C) 1 Jerk (from rack)
work to tech max over 8 sets
then 3x1 @ 80% of tech max
D) Squats from Thursday if you missed



For Time:
50 Box Jumps 24/20 
1 Clean
50 Pull-ups
1 Clean 
50 Walking Lunges 
1 Clean 
50 T2B 
1 Clean 
50 Wall Balls 20/14
1 Clean 
50 Double Unders 
1 Clean 
50 Burpees
1 Clean 
RX = 185/125
Rx+ = 225/155