CanWest Quali
Competition Class
Sprint Snatch
CW Qualifier
Sprint / Snatch
1min AMRAP
150' shuttle run (6x25')
AMRAP Snatch 95/65
rest 1min
repeat with 115/75, 135/95, 155/105, 175/115, 195/135, 205/155
*if you complete 1 rep (or more) in a round, move on to the next round
*last round 205/155
*must pass 25' line and touch with 1 or 2 hands
A) Drop Snatch: 50/3, 60/3, 65/3
B) Snatch: 65/2, 70/2, 75/2, 80/2x3
C) Tall Clean + Jerk from toes: 30-50/3x3
D) Clean and Jerk: 65/4, 70/4, 75/3, 80/3x3
Muscle Ups
Rest 5min then...
3 sets of
25/20 cal Assault Bike (or Row)
immediately into ME UB C2B Pull-ups
Rest 1min between efforts
3 sets of 25/20 cal row
immediately into ME UB kipping HSPU
Rest 1min between efforts
10min EMOM
evens: 3 Tempo DB Bench Press (2/2/2/2) heavier than last week
odds: 3 Strict C2B Chin-ups (explode up, 3 sec descent)
10min EMOM
odds: 3 Strict Ring Dips (explode up, 3sec descent)
evens: 3 DB Bent Over Rows (explode up, hold 2 sec, 3 sec descent)
CONDITIONING (*complete on Sunday, ideally)
3x1mile @ 30sec/km faster than 5km pace from last week
walk 3min between efforts