Elizabeth is Powerful
CanWest Prep
A) Tall Clean: 3 x3
B) Clean from the blocks: 70/3x2, 75/3x2, 80/3, 85/3
C) Clean Pull to drive & shrug, lower to hang, hold for 5 sec then pull: 100/2, 105/1x3sets
2min AMRAP
Strict C2B Pull-ups
*use a band - seriously
3 Rounds
50%+1 of best ME kipping/btrfly C2B
rest precisely 1min
150/100# DBall Hold
*as long as possible (note time)
rest as needed
DBL 53/35 KB FR Hold
*as long as possible (note time)
3x10 TnG Deadlift (80% + 5-10# from last week - across)
Rest 2min between sets
3x12 alt pistols (heavier than last week)
Rest 2min between sets
**Last week of this, I promise
10min EMOM
odds: 1 Power Clean (start heavy, finish with a PR)
evens: 20sec front rack hold @ power clean weight (keep hook grip if poss)
Power Elizabeth
21-15-9 Reps for time:
Power Cleans 135/95
Ring Dips12min TC