Sarah Clarke! Member of the Month!
Competition Class
CanWest Prep
A) Drop Snatch: 3x3
B) 3 Position Snatch (top down)
60/1, 65/1, 70/1, 75/1x2
C) Muscle Clean + FS + Push Press
D) 3 Position Clean (top down) + 1 jerk @ each pos
55/1, 60/1, 65/1, 70/1x2
*hold on to bar @ lighter %s
*drop after each jerk @ higher %s
5 rounds for time:
10m HS Walk
50m prowler push (empty sled)
6 ground to should dball 150/100
E90s x 7
2 Strict Press @ 60% + bands
4 Sets
12 Straight Arm Banded Pull-downs (put pvc in 2 bands hanging from pull-up bar, pull with straight arms to hips for 12 reps)
Rest 90s
5x100 (rest 3X work)
Rest 4min
4x200m (rest 2X work)
Rest 3min
3x400m (Rest 1X work)
Rest 2min
2x800m (Rest 50% work)
With a partner:
Share the work:
40 front rack lunges (105/85) – other partner holds plank
50 power cleans (105/85) – other partner does bicep curls
60 box jumps (24/20) - other partner holds plank
70 wall balls (20/14) - other partner hangs from bar
80 double unders - other partner holds plank
Buy out: 1 partner runs 1km while the other rows, then switch. (set rower to calories)
*both partners must complete 3 rope climbs at some point during the workout
35 min time cap
Score= 1: total clean + STOH weight, 1: time to complete workout 3: total calories on rower