Saturday Aug 12, 2017
  • Classes
    • 8am
    • 915am
    • 1030am

Oh Eva

Competition Class


Strength, Skills & Drills


A) Snatch Balance 3x3

B) Snatch: work up to and perform 6 sets @ heavy double

C) Press from split: 3x3

D) Clean & Jerk: work up to and perform 6 sets @ heavy double


8min AMRAP (if you did this last week, do it again but this time as a better version of yourself)
10 Rope Climbs
Max UB Walk
8 Rope Climbs
Max UB Walk
6, 4, 2 RCs
w/ Max UB Walk


E90s x 7
2 Bench Press @ 55% + bands

E90s x 7
3 Pendlay Rows (Heavy but perfect)


Triple 3s
For Time:
3K Row
300 Double Unders
3M Run




5 Rounds for Time
Run 800m
30 KBS 72/53
30 Pull-ups

Coaches Notes

Hey Team,

Roughly 8 years ago I was introduced to a girl named Eva. We're no longer friends.

Our community in sunny South Florida had a fairly well equipped gym, a couple of pools and a whole lot of shuffle board (shocking with South FL demographics).

One Saturday afternoon when EVA popped up on the main-site (aka I decided I was going to give it a try. I considered myself a pretty good runner, not terribly bad at pull-ups and really, how hard could a 2-pood kettlebell swing be? (I didn't know what a pood was btw).

I ran the 800s on a treadmill, the pull-ups were a 1/2 strict 1/2 kipping (read: egg beater / bicycle kicks / pathetic flails) and the "2 pood KBS" was a 75# dumbbell held length-ways. My Gollum-esque form would have made you all cringe.

Fast forward 56min later & 10lbs of sweat loss; I was done. Quite literally. I walked out of the dimly lit gym, pale faced and nauseous, to the pool where Christi had been basking in the sun for the last hour and muttered some profanity in her general direction. I laid down beside her in a pool of my own sweat and self loathing and took what I still to this day feel was the best nap of my life.

Eva won. In fact, Eva has one every time since then. My times may have gotten faster but Eva always prevails.

Have fun team and may your afternoon nap be filled with sweat dreams of PRs!

– Eric Barber