OH Squats
Competition Class
Skills & Drills
3 sets of:
150ft shuttle sprint (30ftx5)
then.... ME UB Ring Muscle Ups
Rest 1min between efforts
3 sets of
25/20 cal Assault Bike (or Row)
immediately into ME UB C2B Pull-ups
Rest 1min between efforts
3 sets of
25/20 cal row
immediately into ME UB kipping HSPU
Rest 1min between efforts
A) Drop Snatch: 40/3, 50/3, 55/3
B) Snatch: 60/3x2, 65/3x2, 70/3x2, 75/3x3
C) Tall Clean + Jerk from toes: 30-40/3x3
D) Clean and Jerk: 60/3x2, 65/3x2, 70/3x2, 75/3x3
10min EMOM
evens: 5 Tempo DB Bench Press (2/2/2/2)
odds: 5 Strict C2B Chin-ups
10min EMOM
odds: 5 Strict Ring Dips
evens: 5 DB Bent Over Rows
For time:
Run 5km
3 Rounds
10:10 Overhead Squat (or front squat)
Heavy As Possible
(10sec descent, 10 second hold at bottom)
(move hands in 1" each round)
2 Rounds for Time
30 Overhead Squats
30 T2B
10 Snatch (full squat)
10 C2B Pull-ups
RX+ = 135/95 & Bar MU instead of C2B
Rx = 95/65