Snatchy Snatch
Competition Class
E90s x 12
1 Power Clean & Jerk (building)
5min EMOM
2 Clean Pulls @ 100# from the day
4 Giant Sets
"2, 4, 6, 4, 2
C2B Pull-ups"
"*come off the bar for
1-2 seconds between
2, 4, 6..."
"Rest as needed b/w
Giant Sets"
3 Rounds for Quality
10 Single Leg RDL ea (KB or DB)
"10 Barbell Roll outs (from knees -
stay hollow) "
30s L-sit (paralettes or rings)
E90s x 10
1 Snatch
In Teams of 2:
20min AMRAP
25 Wall Balls 20/14
50 Double Unders**
*partner 1 completes 25 wall balls while partner 2 accumulates AMRAP of snatches, then they switch. Once both complete 25 wall balls, pick up your ropes and complete 50 DUs each (at the same time but doesn't need to be synchro). Add weight to the barbell & repeat until 20min is up."
RX: 95/65, 105/75, 115/85, 135/95, 155/105, 185/125 (stay here for remainder of AMRAP)
RX+: 135/95, 165/115, 185/125, 205/135, 225/145 (stay here for remainder of AMRAP)