Wednesday Sep 21, 2016
  • Classes
    • 6am
    • 930am
    • 12pm
    • 415pm
    • 530pm
    • 645pm
    • 8pm

The Day After Fran and FranFindr

Competition Class


10min EMOM ...

10min EMOM
odds: 1 Rope Climb (weighted, legless, l-sit, normal, etc)
evens: 2x10m bounding (progressive heights)

For time:
100 KBS 53/35
70 Burpees
400m Run
20 HR Push-ups or (20 Ring Dips RX+)

3 Rounds
HS Plate step ups (around the 'world')
5 Strict Def HSPU
ME Kipping Def HSPU
HS Plate step ups (around the 'world')
3-5 Strict HSPU
ME Kipping HSPU
HS Plate step ups (around the 'world')
3-5 Negative Strict HSPUs
ME Kipping HSPU on abmat (or 2)

3 TnG Power Cleans + 3 FS

Coaches Notes

Hey Team,

There was an impressive amount of improvement on Fran this go around! Amazing work! This was the first time I did Fran in a couple of years (yes, I have been avoiding it and yes, it hurts, really really bad). This is the one workout in CrossFit that strikes fear in the heart of those who have been curled up in a pain-ball afterwards &  have had Fran-cough for a full day after finishing. It's definitely a defining benchmark.

A few months ago I had an idea about creating a service that simplified the drop-in process for CrossFitters that travel (vacation, work, family visits, etc) as well as the boxes that they travel to. While walking through the idea with our amazing designers & programmers, a temporary (we thought) name of FranFindr was introduced by Jamie Totten. We thought it would be a good placeholder while we searched for the 'perfect name.'

A couple weeks later while going through a branding exercise and laying out the criteria for the perfect name we realized that FranFindr met all the criteria (plus the alliteration was a huge bonus).

Long story short, we're a few short weeks away from launching FranFindr in major cities across Canada. Once we launch, you will be able to pull up on your phone, tablet or computer & see the following:


You'll see pins for each box closest to you (or searchable in advance). Each box will have the following information when you click on the pin: 

  • WOD (very important to cherry pick when traveling)

  • Drop-in rate

  • Schedule

  • Contact Info

The best part (on top of knowing the WOD of course), you'll be able to pay for your drop-in right there. No calling (to get vm), no emails (to wait days for a reply) and no headaches.

If you'd like more info as it comes, head over to and enter your email.

Our launch plan:

Step 1: Major Cities in Canada
Step 2: West Coast USA (Washington, Oregon, California)
Step 3: South West USA (Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico)
Step 4: Texas (it's big)
Step 5: East Coast USA 
Step 6: Everything in the middle
Step 7: The World (really)

Check out & let me know your thoughts. We can wait to get this in your hands to test out!!


– Eric Barber