Winterstart was warmer than this
Competition Class
10min EMOM
10min EMOM
odds: 1 snatch pull + 1 snatch
evens: 10 push-ups (ring/def if poss)
20min amrap
run 400m
15 thrusters
15 pullups
Thruster load: Rd1 135/95
Rd2: 115/75
Rd3: 95/65
Rd4: 75/55
Rd5: 45/35
Rd6: back to 135/95....
5 Deadlift (not tng, control descent, reset)
5 Goblet Side Lunges (ea leg, explosive drive back to start)
3 Sets
10 Back Rack Lunges (from rack)
A) Muscle Clean 30/4, 40/4, 45/4 (not TNG)
B) Clean from the blocks (just above knee): 65/4, 70/3, 75/3x2, 78-80/3x2sets
C) 3 Pause Clean Pull (pause 1" off floor, above the knee, at hip - 2sec each) 90/2x4set
8min EMOM
min1: 1 Strict C2B + 1 Kipping C2B*
min2: 2 Strict C2B + 2 Kipping C2B*
min3: 3 + 3*
min 4-8: 4 + 4*
*without coming off bar
MIDLINE* complete attempting not to rest.
4min bear hug slam ball hold 150/100
rest as needed
2min plank
rest as needed
2min side plank each side
rest as needed
60 Marching Glute Bridges