Friday Mar 11, 2016
  • Classes
    • 6am
    • 930am
    • 12pm
    • 300pm
    • 415pm
    • 530pm



10min EMOM

evens: 3 TnG Snatch (building)
odds: Bar Muscle Up tech or 1-2 Bar Muscle Ups


7min AMRAP


Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 7 minutes of:
10 power snatches 75/55
3 bar muscle-ups



Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 7 minutes of:
10 power snatches 45/35
5 jumping chest-to-bar pull-ups

Coaches Notes

Hey Team, If you haven't secured your spot for 16.3 here is the sign up sheet:


Here's 16.3!


Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 7 minutes of:
10 power snatches 75/55
3 bar muscle-ups



Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 7 minutes of:
10 power snatches 45/35
5 jumping chest-to-bar pull-ups


Here's what class will look like on Friday:  

10min EMOM
evens: 3 TNG Power Snatches (building)
odds: Bar MU tech or 1-2 Bar MU  

7min AMRAP 
10 power snatches 75/55
3 bar muscle-ups  


  • Unless you're an absolute Bar MU ninja, it makes sense to go 5/5 on the snatches from the start

  • HOOKGRIP! - use it right away, save your grip (relax your hands on the top of each snatch)

    • SCALED** - go UB on the Snatch with an empty bar

  • Hand Protection - if you've got grips, wear them. Bar MU are notorious for tearing hands

  • Pick a pace and stick to it - in the Open announcement, the fastest round was :26sec and the slowest was around a minute. They averaged approximately 45sec per round

  • **BAR MU NEWBIES -- Jump into the arch position of your bar-muscle up




  • The athletes in the live announcement started way too fast IMO. :26 per round is unsustainable for all but the very very very very best

  • My estimation is that :45/round will yield a very strong score with :55/round quite strong as well (in Canada West)

  • Pick a goal and work backwards from there. 7 rounds, for example, would be 1 round every minute


  • Butt down, chest up - save your low back

  • Hookgrip from the beginning

  • Muscle snatch is an option but a power snatch may keep you a little more relaxed (and you'll pull less thereby saving your grip)

  • Stay relaxed and find a smooth allow gravity to bring the bar down (don't pull the bar down)

  • Rest your grip on top breath and avoid that redline

Rep scheme:

  • UB if you're a Bar MU ninja

  • 5/5 if you're pretty solid @ Bar MU

  • 5/5 or 4/3/3 if you are going to struggle with Bar MU (it'll save your grip)


  • Wear grips. Don't rip!

  • Jump into the arch position on your first rep

  • Be patient, get shoulders behind the bar and hips up... and then snap aggressively

  • Press the bar down & be patient before the 'cobra-attack' sit-up over the bar

  • If you're heavier, drop straight down from bar mu instead of pushing back away from the bar

  • Don't miss! All the effort, none of the credit



Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 7 minutes of:
10 power snatches 45/35
5 jumping chest-to-bar pull-ups


  • Pick a 'Round' goal and work backwards from there. 7 rounds means you have to finish 1 round per minute. 14 rounds = 1 round every 30sec

  • You can use an empty bar which will allow you to start each rep from just below the knee instead of the floor

  • Hookgrip, hookgrip, hookgrip

  • Warm-up your lungs, you're going to need them ;)

  • Quick transitions (on your last couple of reps of the snatches, start thinking about the pull-ups. On the last couple of pull-ups, start thinking about the snatches)


  • Aim to go unbroken on these

  • Get your hookgrip and keep it

  • Stay relaxed and move efficiently


  • Setup so the bar is 6" above your head

  • Jump aggressively on these, save your arms for the snatches

  • Quick transitions

  Here are some great videos from CrossFit HQ on both the Power Snatch & the Bar Muscle Up. We'll be working on Bar Muscle Ups in class on Friday, so if you want to get your first one or maybe string a couple together come to class!

CFHQ Videos on YouTube  


Our warm-up should consist of 20-25 min of work.

1. First off, hit the foam roller.

Roll your mid & upper back aiming to achieve a greater degree of extension. From there, hit your calves and quads focusing on 'sticky' spots.

On the foam roller:

  • roll t-spine
  • roll calves
  • roll quads, adductors and hamstrings

2. After the rolling, we're going to warm-up up our lungs.

Row or Airdyne 6-10 rounds of 30sec hard, 30sec easy (if airdyne go 15sec hard, 45sec easy)

3. Mobility. There are couple of areas we want to focus on here:

 A. Shoulders (specifically internal rotation)


B. Spinal Extension

C. Open Hips

Dynamic Warm-up (10-15 of each)

A. Shoulders

Double Arm Circles (fwd, bkwd 20X)
Pass Throughs  

B. Spinal Extension (and hammys)

Inchworms w/ downward dog
Reach & Roll

C. Hips

Sumo Squats
Lateral Lunges
Spiderman lunge with reach to the sky

4. Specific Warm-up

Take this time to do:

2-3 Rounds of:
5 Snatch empty bar
10 beat swings rest


5 Snatch 75/55
1-2 Bar Muscle Ups

rest 1-2min

5 Snatch 75/55
1-2 Bar Muscle Ups  

Rest 5-10min before your heat time & then go out there and crush it.

– Eric Barber