Sunday Nov 15, 2020
  • Classes
    • 915am
    • 1030am



3 Days of CORE

*if using as finisher, just do the 'work - in bold'



3 Rounds For Quality
10 Cat Camel (Cat-Cow)
30s Hollow Hold
*lying on back, bring legs & arms up directly over hips
*push low back into the floor
*lower legs & arms only until you feel low back pulling off floor
*hold there for 30s
*SCALE: see SCALE HR photo
30s Superman Hold
10 Alt Bird Dogs
*on hands & knees, pull belly button into spine
*reach left arm fwd & right leg back
*repeat w/ right arm & left leg, that's one rep

4 Rounds for Quality
30s Dynamic Plank
*elbows & toes
*squeeze butt & pull belly button to spine
*once set, raise left elbow slightly off ground for a second w/o moving body
*repeat with other arm & then feet
*keep body very still, keep hips in line w/ shoulders

20s Side Plank Hip Taps L

*elbows & feet
*bring hips up & inline with feet & shoulders
*squeeze butt & pull belly button to spine
*drop hip & 'tap' w/o resting on ground, come back to plank, repeat
*SCALE: knees down

20s Side Plank Hip Taps R

*same as L

30s Marching Glute Bridge

*lying on back w/ knees bent & feet flat
*bring hips up & inline with knees & shoulders
*keeping hips stable, bring alternating knees to chest

REST 1min

2min Pigeon (each)
2min Couch Stretch (each)





3 Rounds For Quality
10 Cat Camel (Cat-Cow)
30s Hollow Hold
*lying on back, bring legs & arms up directly over hips
*push low back into the floor
*lower legs & arms only until you feel low back pulling off floor
*hold there for 30s
*SCALE: see SCALE HR photo
30s Superman Hold
10 Alt Bird Dogs
*on hands & knees, pull belly button into spine
*reach left arm fwd & right leg back
*repeat w/ right arm & left leg, that's one rep

Tabata, each of these:
8 rounds, 20s work, 10s rest
Rest 1min
Side Plank (alt sides each round)
*Rx+, raise top foot as high as possible
Rest 1min
Alt Rounds - Russian Twist & Glute Bridges
Rx+ elevate feet for glute bridge

2min Sphinx pose (straight arm sphinx is an Rx+ option)
2min 1/2 Kneeling Hip Flexor Stretch
*remember to squeeze glute & crunch abs so stretch goes to front of hip



3 Rounds For Quality
10 Cat Camel (Cat-Cow)
30s Hollow Hold
*lying on back, bring legs & arms up directly over hips
*push low back into the floor
*lower legs & arms only until you feel low back pulling off floor
*hold there for 30s
*SCALE: see SCALE HR photo
30s Superman Hold
10 Alt Bird Dogs
*on hands & knees, pull belly button into spine
*reach left arm fwd & right leg back
*repeat w/ right arm & left leg, that's one rep

2 Rounds
2min AMRAP
Weighted Sit-up w/ 3s descent
Rest 1min
2min AMRAP
Plank Weight/Object Pull-Unders
Rest 1min
2min AMRAP
Single Leg Glute Bridges
Rest 1min

2min Pigeon (each)
2min Couch Stretch (each)