Tuesday Apr 04, 2017
  • Classes
    • 6am
    • 715am
    • 930am
    • 12m
    • 415pm
    • 530pm
    • 645pm

All the front squats...



3, 2, 2, 1, 1 Thruster (from the rack)
1 Rope Climb (legless if possible)



150 Wall Balls 20/14

Coaches Notes

Hey Team,


We will be starting a round of specific competition programming in mid-April. This will run until the end of July. This 3+ month cycle will have you peaking for an event at the end of July (or you’ll just be really good at CF), August will be a down month and then we’ll start another dedicated round of programming to gear you up for the Battle in late Nov/early Dec. December will be a down month and we’ll pick up again in January to prep for the Open. Another year in the books. Boom.

Ideally you will follow a training schedule of:

M/T/W/F/S, leaving Thurs & Sun for active recovery/rest.

You can split the work into 2 sessions or you can complete all the work in one session

The lowdown:

In addition to regular class programming there will be additional work in areas you need to focus on. These areas include: Cardio, Upper/Lower Strength, OLY and/or Gymnastics. On top of this I will program specific accessory work for you to do 1-2X / wk to shore up specific weaknesses.

Video analysis & coaching (1-2/month on whatever you’d like me to get eyes on). Additional video analysis will be available @ $25ea.

A 1-on-1 meeting to discuss goals, areas of focus and schedule/plan.

A FB group dedicated to workout coordination, video analysis, nutrition & general comp discussion.

We will have a minimum of 1 coached group session / wk (hopefully more depending on how many people we can get together)

Who is this program for?

Anyone who is SERIOUS about getting better at CrossFit & has the time & energy to do extra work. I am happy to help you but it is a lot of extra work for me so ‘serious exercisers only please’. There are limited spots available for this round of programming.

*You do not have to be registered for the CanWest Games to participate but be aware that the programming will involve the qualifier workouts.

Cost: $99

Please email me at eric@crossfitcurriebarracks.com if you are interested in getting started.


We’re gearing up for a big event: THE CANWEST GAMES!


1.  Online Qualifiers May 4th – June 5th

2.  Onsite Event: July 28, 29, 30th (Coquitlam, BC)

Divisions: Elite, Rx, Intermediate, Scaled, Masters 35-39 & 40/50+, Teens

Registration link for the Online Qualifiers: http://canwestgames.ca/athlete-registration/

When you register be sure to sign up under CrossFit Currie Barracks & Team DBAP.

The goal for many in the qualifiers is to qualify for the CanWest Games in the Elite category (individual or Elite Tribe Team) but you will also be able to register for the event under a same-sex team of Rx, Intermediate, Scaled athletes. You must do the online qualifier to register for the actual event at the end of July regardless of the category you intend on competing in.

As the actual event nears we will discuss travel options, accommodations, and whatever logistics remain.

Yay for fitness!

– Eric Barber