Friday Jul 12, 2024
Best Friends
For Time:
In Teams of 2:
For Time:
30 Alt Burpees
40/32 Cal Row
60 Hanging Knee Raises
40/32 Cal Row
60 Wall Balls 14/10
40/32 Cal Row
200 Single Unders
40/32 Cal Row
60 Power Snatch 75/55
40/32 Cal Row
60 Wall Balls 14/10
40/32 Cal Row
60 Hanging Knee Raises
40/32 Cal Row
30 Alt Burpees
*30min time cap
In Teams of 2:
For Time:
30 Alt Burpees
50/40 Cal Row
60 T2B
50/40 Cal Row
60 Wall Balls 20/14
50/40 Cal Row
200 Double Unders
50/40 Cal Row
60 Power Snatch 95/65
50/40 Cal Row
60 Wall Balls 20/14
50/40 Cal Row
60 T2B
50/40 Cal Row
30 Alt Burpees
*30min time cap