Wednesday Oct 14, 2015
  • Classes
    • 6am
    • 930am
    • 12pm
    • 415pm
    • 530pm
    • 645pm
    • 8pm

Bottoms Up KB



3 Deadlift (not tng) +
3 1-arm bottoms up KB press (L+R)


For time:

30 Thrusters 95/65
40 Sit ups
50 Walking Lunges

Coaches Notes

Hey Team,

Coach Jane (gymnast extraordinaire, Naturopath and generally exceptional person) is going to be running a gymnastics class at CFS for 6 weeks. This class will run Sunday mornings at 10am for 90min.

During this 6 week course you will improve your strength, flexibility, body awareness and learn new skills (pull-ups, toes to bar, handstands, muscle-up and so much more). This specialized class is very limited (8 per class) in order to make sure that you will get lots of one on one attention so you can learn new skills or perfect the ones you know faster!!

There are only 8 spots available. If you want in, you better act now.

Here's a link to register: GYMNASTICS COURSE (6wks)

– Eric Barber