Saturday Jul 23, 2016
  • Classes
    • 8am
    • 915am
    • 1030am

Dynamic Duo


On a 35min Clock:

In Teams of 2:

On a 35min clock:

10min to find combined

3RM Power Clean

then 25min AMRAP:

Partner 1 runs  400M
Partner 2 does Hang Power Cleans 135/95 until 1 returns.
Switch and repeat.

Partner 1 runs  400M
Partner 2 does Front Squats 135/95 (from floor)
Switch and repeat.

Partner 1 runs  400M
Partner 2 does STOH 135/95
Switch and repeat.

Partner 1 runs  400M
Partner 2 does AMRAP Burpees Box Jump Overs
Switch and repeat.

If you get through the BBJOs amrap, start back at Hang Power Cleans

Coaches Notes

Be sure to check out the CrossFit Games this weekend. The action is live at

– Eric Barber