Coaches Notes
Hey Team,
Saturday's WOD is brought to you by the Sarro, Ruzycki, Eddy Family (Peter & Diane, Shannon & Ryan, Rachel & James), our Members of the Month!
If you haven't met this wonderful family, do yourself a favour and introduce yourself next time you see them. Your life will be instantly enriched. Fact. It's science.
Here's the family response to the MotM questions :
Introducing CFCB's September Member(s) of the Month:
Names (from the left): Rachel & James, Diane & Peter, Shannon & Ryan, (in the front is youngest sister Erin)
Diane “the Baker” Sarro
Peter “What!?” Sarro
Shannon “The Bicep” Ruzycki
Ryan “Overhead squat pro” Ruzycki
James “’What’s your PR?’ Guy” Eddy
Rachel “Wall Ball Machine” Eddy
How did you find CFCB and what did you expect?
Ryan saw the box after taking a wrong turn through the Currie Barracks and thought it looked really fun (finally, his poor sense of direction paid off!).
Shannon joined because she was too weak to open the door to the Peter Lougheed Emergency department.
The kids told Peter and Diane that we could never “do” CrossFit. It’s waaaay to hard for us old folks. (No, what I said was that it was unrealistic and dangerous and that you would surely injure yourselves and become bed bound, eventually dying of bedsores – Shannon)
What have you gotten out of Crossfit at CFCB (goals reached, accomplishments, etc)?
Rachel – I’ve added considerable upper body strength which included my first strict pull-up just a few weeks ago
James – The goal I reached is being in the best shape of my life (I know it’s hard to tell)
Diane - Lots of laughs
Shannon – first pull up! Actual real strength and muscle for the first time in my life.
Ryan – no serious injuries.
What keeps you coming back?
The CFCB culture and fun attitude towards fitness.
The coaches and fellow Crossfitters.
What are you working on now/hoping to achieve in the coming months/year?
Rachel – continue to add upper body strength and stamina, particularly for gymnastic movements
James – getting our son to sleep through the night… is that not what you were expecting?
Diane – box jumps using the “real” box
Peter – having his daughters stop bugging him about his fitness level
Shannon – increasing frequency of comments to Peter about his fitness level, because physical activity is the most important modifiable risk factor consistently demonstrated to improve overall survival and decrease morbidity. (and to be able to complete 20 consecutive push-ups)
What do you like to do outside CFCB?
Talk about CFCB, especially with each other.
Foam roll.
Favorite joke? Or quote?
Whenever a patient asks Shannon when the real doctor is coming.
“Winners don’t quit on themselves” - Beyonce
As you can tell by this questionnaire, none of us are very funny.
If you could be a Crossfit movement what would you be and why?
James – a Turkish Get Up because that’s how I get out of bed in the morning
Peter – a kettle bell swing because it’s the closest thing to golf.
Anything else you would like to share about yourselves?
Shannon doesn’t like when James bugs her, Rachel doesn’t like when Shannon doesn’t return things, Diane doesn’t like when Rachel fights with Shannon, Peter drives Diane nuts, Ryan doesn’t like when Peter goes golfing with James but forgets him, James is always happy.