Filthy 1s, 5s, & 0s (plus home version)
For Time:
Hey Team,
We are keeping the gym open. I'm not saying that won't change, but that's where we stand right now. We'll have an email to you detailing some changes to policies / schedules tonight or tomorrow morning. In the meantime . . .
We are going to post a home workout (for those self-quarantining or social distancing) as close to the class programming as we can below. If you have a DB and a jump rope, you'll be good to go. If you are more equipped than that, keep it as close to the programming as you can. C & I have a private IG that we will share with you (videos for home workouts, food tips, in addition to general awesomeness & the usual hilarity). As always, we think you're awesome. Keep that sh*t up.
Ps. If you don't have a DB at home, email me (eric@crossfitcurriebarracks) or shoot me a text (403.404.1917) and we'll lend you one. I'll have a messenger bird fly it over to you tomorrow ;) His name is Big Bird, but his friends call him BB.
For Time:
15 Devil's Press 50s/35s
50 Box Jumps Overs 24/20
50 Pull-ups
50 KBS 35/25
50 Walking Lunges
50 Sit-ups
50 Push Press 45/35
50 Wall Balls 20/14
150 Double Unders
15 Devil's Press 50s/35s