Thursday Dec 01, 2016
Flight Simulator!
On a 10min clock:
5 - 10 - 15 - 20 - 25 - 30 ... 50 - 45 . . . 5
Unbroken Double Unders
*complete 5 unbroken double unders, then 10 unbroken double unders, then 15, 20 . . . until you reach 50 and then come back down the ladder. If you clip at 43 (on the 45 round for example), start the 45 round again.
2min AMRAPs - Back to back to back
2min AMRAP
Front Squats 155/105 (from the floor)
2min AMRAP
2min AMRAP
STOH 135/95
2min AMRAP
KBS 53/35
*score = total reps