Tuesday Jul 14, 2015
  • Classes
    • 6am
    • 715am
    • 930am
    • 12m
    • 415pm
    • 530pm
    • 645pm

Front Squat!


15min to find:

1RM Front Squat


On a 10min clock:

Run 1 mile

with the remaining time:


10 Burpee Box Jumps 24/20

10 T2B

10 Power Cleans 115/75


2 Scores: 1. 1mile time 2. total reps

Coaches Notes

Hey Team,

This Saturday we are hosting a CrossFit Amazing Race! In teams of 2, you will follow clues to race around Sunalta and surrounding areas. Each stop will have a different challenge (some physical, some mental, some both). All levels are welcome and encouraged to participate. You will be able to get around on foot, on bikes or in a car (penalties will apply for bikes & cars).  The event starts and ends at CFS, 10:30am - 12:30pm

It's going to be a lot of fun!

Here's a link to register (it's $20'pp): CF AMAZING RACE

– Eric Barber