Monday May 08, 2017
  • Classes
    • 6am
    • 930am
    • 12pm
    • 415pm
    • 530pm
    • 645pm
    • 8pm

Heavy Hatch


Hatch W5D1

Back Squat
1*8 65%
1*6 75%
1*4 85%
1*4 90%

Front Squat
1*5 70%
1*4 80%
1*3 85%
1*3 90%



2min AMRAPs

2min clock:
Run 200m
w/ remaining time AMRAP KBS 53/35
Rest 1min
2min Clock:
Run 200m
w/ remaining time AMRAP Box Jumps 24/20
Rest 1min
2min clock:
Run 200m
w/ remaining time AMRAP Burpees
*these are meant to be all out 2min efforts
don't hold back

Score = run time minus each rep completed
ex. 1:00 200m - 25 KBS = :35 first round