Saturday Nov 21, 2015
  • Classes
    • 8am
    • 915am
    • 1030am

In Partners


15min to find:

Combined 1RM Front Squat


20min AMRAP

Alternating Rounds of DT:

Partner 1:
1 Round of DT
12 Deadlifts 155/105
9 Hang Power Cleans 155/105
6 Push Jerks 155/105
Partner 2: Pull-ups

Partner 2: 1 ROUND of DT
Partner 1: Pull-ups

Partner 1: 1 Round of DT
Partner 2: T2B


Partner 2: 1 Round of DT
Partner 1: T2B

Partner 1: 1 Round of DT
Partner 2: Box Jump Overs 24/20

Partner 2: 1 Round of DT
Partner 1: Box Jump Overs 24/20

Partner 1: 1 Round of DT
Partner 2: Wall Balls 20/14

Partner 2: 1 Round of DT
Partner 1: Wall Balls 20/14


If your team makes it through the Wall Ball round of DT, go back to pull-ups.


3 Scores:

1: Combined Front Squat Weight
2: Rounds of DT
3: Number of reps of other exercises