Thursday Jul 02, 2015
  • Classes
    • 6am
    • 715am
    • 930am
    • 12m
    • 415pm
    • 530pm
    • 645pm

Last Day of Hatch



Back Squat

4x5 60/70/75/75%

Front Squat

3x5 60/70/75%


6min AMRAP

Hang Power Snatch 95/65

-- every time you rest/drop the bar, 10 Wall Balls 20/14

Coaches Notes

Hey Team,

It's the last day of Hatch! I'm really impressed with how far you've come over the last 12 weeks, and I'm really excited to see what happens next week!

Next week, we will test our 1RM Back Squat to chart our improvement. You will see a 1RM test on Tuesday and Friday.  ps. Yay for fitness.

– Eric Barber