Coaches Notes
Hey Team,
It’s PR Challenge time!
An all-levels in-house competition where you compete against your fellow CFCBers and most importantly, yourself. Did I mention it was all levels?
February 1 we will do the first test: 2 parts – a lift and a metcon (similar to regular class). After 2 months of training we will retest the same workout and award . . . uh, awards to the most improved and best overall.
There are 3 levels. Rx, Intermediate & Scaled.
You will have a heat time and a judge.
You will have fun.
Day 1: Saturday Feb 1 from 9:30am – 1pm.
Day 2: Saturday Apr 4 from 9:30am – 1pm.
Competition makes us better. Plus, the test / retest means the next 2 months of coming to the gym will take on a whole new meaning. You’ll pay a little closer attention; you’ll push a little harder, and you’ll get a whole lot better. Sounds like a win-win-win to me.
We’ll be offering complimentary video analysis & technique clinics over the next two months to ensure you improve!
You. You. You. And You.
Here’s a link to register (or you can sign up at the whiteboard): I LOVE PRs!