Coaches Notes
Hey Team,
The Battle is one short day away! So exciting!
Sometime Thursday night or Friday morning you should be receiving an athlete email. I will also post it to the FB event page.
I will also be sending CFS/CFCB members a warm-up, strategy, etc. email before Friday evening.
If you are doing the Battle, here's the programming for Friday:
(note: both RX & ELITE will do part A, after that your programming is more specific)
(another note: if you feel like this is too much for you {like you'll be sore/tired from it} pick and choose elements that are important to you for you confidence and do that piece only. More is not always better. Unless it's bacon, then more is always better)
(one last note: you can do this programming during regular class)
12min to work up to 80% of your 1RM Hang Snatch (no more than 4 snatches @ 80%)
3 rounds of 4 Front Squats (do 1 clean + 3 Front Squats) @ 80% of your AMRAP weight
rest 2-3min between rounds
3 Rounds not for time, rest as need between rounds:
3X through the complex of Power Clean + 1 FR Lunge L + 1 FR Lunge R then 3 Burpee Box Jump Overs 24/20
3 Rounds not for time, rest as need between rounds:
1 Rope Climb
3-5 Clean & Jerk 135/95
10/7 Cal Row
5 Wall Balls 20/14
3 Rounds, not for time:
3 Snatches, 3 Cleans, 3 STOH (155/105), 4 T2B, 3 C2B, 1 BMU
6min EMOM
evens: 1 Legless Rope Climb
odds: 2-3 Def HSPU (kipping)
10min Row (easy pace)