RX Men use 50-lb. dumbbell and 24-in. box Women use 35-lb. dumbbell and 20-in. box
INTRAMURAL OPEN (CFCB & CFS) Men use 45-lb. dumbbell and 24-in. box, step-ups ok Women use 25-lb. dumbell and 20-in. box, step-ups ok
SCALED Men use 35-lb. dumbbell and 20-in. box, step-ups OK Women use 20-lb. dumbbell and 20-in. box, step-ups OK
Time cap: 20 minutes
Coaches Notes
Hey Team,
First things first, if you are doing the OPEN on Saturday @ CFCB or Sunday @ CFS, here is a link to the Heat TIMES (CFCB is on the first tab, CFS is on the second tab. ps. if you can stay or come early to judge that would be awesome!):
If you are doing the OPEN this weekend here are a couple of options for you on Friday. Go to class, do the warmup, then pick one of the following: 1. Do the workout @ 70-75% effort, try a couple different strategies, paces & test it out. 2. Do 1 round of 30 DB snatches & 15 burpee box jump overs afap. Rest 2-3 min & repeat. This should give you a good idea of what it will feel like in the later rounds & an idea of how fast not to go ;)
The 17.1 workout announcement introduced 2 new movements to the OPEN:
The dumbbell snatch & the burpee box jump over
17.1 WORKOUT ANNOUNCEMENT (start the video @ 29:05ish - if you want to see the pros do it)
Pace yourself. This workout is going to take most regular humans (us) 15+ minutes, don't go out like you are going sub-10min. Save your low back. 'Butt down, chest up' (feel free to sing that to yourself each rep) on the snatches. Think in 10s. Snatches can mentally be broken up into tens, burpees into 5s. Push through. The round of 30 will likely be where the it gets tough. Keep moving. You're going to want to rest on the ground on the burpees and you're going to want to step away from the dumbbell. Don't. Embrace the suck. This one is going to hurt pretty early. Try to enjoy the process.
Butt down Eyes up (when possible) Chest up Start with the DB between the ankles (not in front of foot) The the dumbbell in close by leading with the elbow once hip extension is achieved If the DB is heavy for you, you can control in it with the other hand on the way down Breathe through each rep Stay over the DB (don't step / walk away) Keep a steady pace (don't get frantic) Play with a parallel dumbbell and a perpendicular dumbbell in your warmup. Each has its advantages. Muscle snatch over power snatch - save the legs
KEEP MOVING. You're going to be breathing heavy, you're going to want to stop, don't. Consider marking where you want your hands to land on each rep to avoid getting too close or too far away from the box The 'stutter step up' to jump will benefit you here by keeping your momentum forward Think 'long neck' at the bottom of your burpee to keep your chest engaged and shoulders a little less taxed Stay low over the box (don't stand up all the way). Absorb the jump and drop off the other side. Scaled competitors can step up. This might keep your HR down by comparison. Try it in warmup & see what you think. I said it once, I'll say it again -- KEEP MOVING!!
GENERAL WARMUP 3-5 min of varied intensity rowing, bike and single/double unders
Foam roll:
adductors (inner thighs)
Spend a little extra time on anything that's particularly tight on you.
Then do what is in the following video: (the video is loud and it's tough to hear big T, but oh man is it worth it! 1000pts if you make it to the end)
---- RD1 ---- 5 Inchworm to push up to downdog to updog 10 Lying straight leg kicks (each leg) 12 Russian KBS 4 Box Jump Overs or step ups ---- RD2 ---- 5 Inchworm to push up to downdog to updog 10 Lying straight leg kicks (each leg) 10 DB Snatches (med weight) 4 Box Jump Overs ---- RD3 ---- 5 Inchworm to push up to downdog to updog 10 Lying straight leg kicks (each leg) 6-8 DB Snatches (workout weight) 4 Burpee Box Jump Overs
REST 5-7min before your heat time
COOL DOWN 5min easy bike / row roll same muscles as warmup accumulate 1-3min hanging from pull-up bar