Thursday May 26, 2016
  • Classes
    • 6am
    • 715am
    • 930am
    • 12m
    • 415pm
    • 530pm
    • 645pm

Outdoor WOD Begins!


12min EMOM

evens: 1 Hang Clean
odds: 2 ring/kip swings + 2 ring/kip swings w/ tap + 1 C2R/C2B Pull-up (Adv. MU)


10min AMRAP

5 Hang Squat Cleans 155/105
7 Bar Facing Burpees

Coaches Notes

Hey Team,

Thursday @ 7pm we're starting CrossFit Outside the Box @ CFS.

Come join Coach Shana for a fun WOD in the Sunalta park. You'll sprint, jump, push, pull & so much more.

No charge, it just counts as a class.



– Eric Barber