Coaches Notes
Hey Team, each week we'll post an overview of what's upcoming. Here's this week:
Monday: Long Chipper. Squats, Pull-ups & STOH
Tuesday: Heavy Single & shortish amrap. Hang Power Cleans & Rowing
Wednesday: Long AMRAP. Deadlifts, strict press (or HSPU), lunges (or pistols), DB Snatch
Thursday: Heavy single & high jumps + Burner wod. Hang Power Snatch, Box Jump, Power Snatch, T2B
Friday: long interval repeats with pull endurance focus. Pull-ups, Thrusters, Burpees
Saturday: 'you-go-I-go' distanced partner amrap sandwich w/ strength piece in the middle. Push press, DB hang clean & jerk, bike/row, KBS
Sunday: Mid length amrap with strength after. Row, Push up, T2B, Front Squat