Saturday Mar 12, 2016
  • Classes
    • 8am
    • 915am
    • 1030am

Partner Partner Partner


For time:

In teams of 2:

Partner 1: Runs 400m
Partner 2: AMRAP Wall Balls 20/14
-- when partner 1 returns, partner 2 runs 400m and partner 1 does AMRAP of Wall Balls

Once partner 1 is back the partners switch to KBS 53/35 with the same run

Once both partners run and KBS, switch to Box Jumps 24/20 with the same run

Once both partners run and Box Jump, switch to Rounds of 3 Pull-ups, 6 Push-ups, 9 Squats with the same run

Once both partners complete the run and the Rounds of 3/6/9 the workout is complete.

Your team will have 2 scores. 1: Time, 2: Total Reps (1 round of 3/6/9 = 1 rep) -

-- 25min TIME CAP --