Tuesdays are for fitness . . . and tacos
10min EMOM
10min EMOM
evens: 1 clean pull + 2 hang power clean + 2 jerks
odds: 5 strict C2R or C2B pullups
3 rounds
1min of each
Power cleans 115/75
STOH 115/75
Box Jumps 24/20
10min EMOM
odds: 3 Bench Press (work to 3RM)
evens: 3 Tempo Bent Over Rows (DB or KB) (2/2/2/2)
*2sec @ extension, 2s pull, 2s hold @ chest, 2 sec down)
10min EMOM
odds: 5 Barbell Tempo Strict Press (2/2/2/2)
evens: 3 1-arm tempo ring row (2/2/2/2)
Accumulate 1:20 free standing handstand (use spotter as necc)
HS Walk: 5ft ladder (HS walk 5 ft, walk back on feet, HS walk 10ft, walk back on feet + 5ft each interval) - aim to go 5ft further than last week
L1: Use spotter (hold feet behind, alternate)
L2: 3, 6, 9, 12, 15 ft
L3: As Rx
L4: Turn around on hands and HS walk back each distance - 5ft out and back on hands, rest 15sec, 10ft out and back on hands, rest 15sec, continue to add distance
8min EMOM
min1: 1 Strict T2B + 1 Kipping T2B*
min2: 2 + 2*
min 3: 3 + 3*
min 4: add 1 rep to each, each minute*
*without coming off bar
400m Sprint