Monday Nov 14, 2016
Weight up, reps down
On an 11min clock:
Clean & Jerk Ladder
5 Squat Clean & Jerk @ 95/65 (RX+ = 135/95)
5 @ 115/75 (Rx+ = 185/125)
3 @ 135/95 (Rx+ = 205/135)
3 @ 155/105 (Rx+ = 225/155)
2 @ 165/115 (Rx+ = 245/165)
2 @ 185/125 (Rx+ = 265/175)
1 @ 205/135 (Rx+ = 275/185)
with remaining time:
Find 1RM Snatch
*all clean & jerk varieties (cluster, clean & split jerk, clean & push jerk, clean & push press, etc) will be accepted as long as you pass through the squat & finish with the bar locked out overhead with feet under the hips
*you can bow out of the ladder @ any time and start on finding your 1RM snatch
*Score =
1. Time & Load from ladder (ie: 4:45 185x2)
2. Heaviest Snatch load
10min AMRAP
15 Power Cleans 95/65 (Rx+ = 135/95)
50 Double Unders